Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Mystery Beyond Respiration

 Respiration is the basic doing of life to live. Every living being need respiration for being alive. Hence, life is in the control of respiration. God sent humans in this world with limited respiration count and task to perform. Hence, we humans are present in this earth with limited count of respiration. The life is depended on the no of respiration rather than the no of days. Breathing controls the metabolism, metabolism controls aging or cells and finally the life of humans.

 The moment we live, the feelings we get the life we choose, the action we do, the food we have, the environment we face, the thinking in our thought etc. varies the respiration rate. As we have fixed respiration count. The above mentioned parameters determine the days we live in this earth. As we know during nervousness, anger, rush, wrong doing, bringing up negative thought increases the respiration rate. While being calm adopting healthy diet, bringing up positive thought, good doing, mediation, healthy body, sound sleep and living in peaceful and clean environment leads to normal breathing rate.

Meditation can be a formula to control or achieve the controlled respiration rate in our busy schedule. During mediation we control our thoughts, we pass through the calm and peaceful ourselves, which leads to normal or calm breathe. For example, we can take the examples of our ancestors, risi munis, and old peoples experiences, they use to say that the risi muni who did meditations, lived simple and calm life lived more life and were happy. As less we speak as release less energy, we perform less respiration. Respiration is directly proportional to the energy we require. As much energy we release the much respiration we require because during metabolism oxygen us burned to carbon dioxide and for this respiration is needed.

The fooding habit we adopt determine the respiration habit. The vegetarian fooding is easily digestable, the non-oily and light foods, green leafy vegetables are easily digestable is that metabolism is easy and not so long, or the body feel easy to digest or break down the food. Easy and short breakdown of food lend to less requirement of oxygen and energy lead to less respiration rate. But the non-veg items are hard to digest and take long time in digestion lead to higher respiration rate. Hence, fooding habit enhance respiration rate.

Healthy body require normal breathing cycle. Unhealthy body require higher breathing rate due to the fact that our body need to fight with external factor causing uncomfort to our normal body, or in case of our body organ malfunctioning, then the misbalance of chemical reactions, pressure to other organs lead to pain and discomfort of brain leading to higher breathing rate.

When we do good doing our mind feels relaxed and happy causing normal body behavior, whereas if wrong doing then the mind gets disturbed or discomfort causing abnormal body condition and higher breathing rate.

When a human gets sound sleep the person get controlled breathing. During awake time, the human possess all the organs to work. All the hormones on work, but during sleep most of our organs take rest and do not function which lowers breathing rate and controls respiration cycle.

 Simple and hygienic fooding, positive thinking, calm lifestyle, meditation, good doings, healthy body, sound sleep leads to control respiration system and habit, prolonging life time of humans.

Human in this earth is sent in this world as a punishment, as mentioned in my previous article Earth is Prison. We need to accomplish the tasks we sent for and do no further sins in this world to get rid of this punishment. For which the human body is filled with required respiration rates. As our body get old we die and could not fulfil our required job we are sent again to this world with another body and another count of respirations. But a human cannot remember or memories the fact of the previous life and hence need to work out again from the first to accomplish the task without sins. Hence if the respiration is controlled we can achieve more time to find out and work out on our aim and mission and get rid of this prison as mentioned in EARTH IS PRISON.

Monday, May 10, 2021


Human Mind” Secondary Mind Theory”

Human Mind” Secondary Mind Theory”

In general language, the brain is the most complex organ in the human body which produces our every thought, action, memory, feeling, experience emotions, remember, reason, creativity, love and make decisions, etc and conduct all the activities of daily life. Human brain and mind are somewhere kept and assumed as similar thing. As the human mind is the most complex thing it is most complex in the study and to understand the phenomenon running around the brain. Due to which a lot of theories and assumptions related to the brain are developed among with many contradictions.
Medical science has well defined the working of the brain, neurons, nerves their roles and chemicals production inside the brain and the role of chemicals  etc, which defines the daily action, memory, feeling and experience but along with the proper explanation of  the creativity, logic, intelligence, way of thinking etc. Where logics, thinking, feeling, memory, action etc  are mainly deal with the Psychology department “ Termed as the study of Mind”. For what many theories and assumptions are made which in fact are very useful and effective in the study of the mind. Visual effect of any material, stress and impact on the mindset, by birth disability of thinking and unusual activities, mental disturbance due to medications etc which in fact is also directly and indirectly indicating to the daily activity and related mindset.
All these theories, assumptions and sciences are dealing with the Primary mind i.e our known mindset.

The secondary mind theory is developed as per to explain the presence of creativity and new information, discovery, innovation and every new thing not just for the world for an individual person too. The theory explains how scientists developed new technologies and how the new discoveries are made. The theory also explains how to get connected with a secondary mind. How to use the secondary mind etc.

The Secondary Mind Theory stated that there are the presence of two different minds in a human body i.e. primary mind and Secondary Mind. The primary mind deal with daily activities and behavior, memory, realization, feeling, the experience of emotion etc. which has been studied by both medical and psychological sciences. This primary mind also can be termed as the general mind that we all people are in connection with.  The primary mind need to be healthy and active as per to conduct the daily activities smoothly. If all the human activities, actions and behaviors are conducted by the primary mind then “What is Secondary Mind?” Why do we need it?”
As per the name Secondary mind is just secondary, without it a human can have an easy and comfortable life because for a normal human life our primary mind is enough to run. This secondary mind is that mind which has all the knowledge and information of everything (everything means all the known and unknown things that human discovered till today) that is present in this entire universe.  And if we got to connect with this mind then we can gather any information about everything we want.
Again a question arises with the readers i.e. “If secondary the mind is present in all humans and has knowledge of everything then why all the persons are not genius and know everything?”
This mind is obviously present in all humans but to use it and to connect with it, that’s not an easy task. For this, a person needs to be healthy, have a healthy primary mind, need to be hard laborious too. As to connect with the secondary mind a person shall have keen focus and concentration and shall have meditation regularly. For all this primary mind shall be healthy and active. When you have a healthy primary mind and are focusing on a subject then after some hard labor your primary mind is going to be connected with your secondary mind and finally get connected with your secondary mind on the very topic. And any queries and information regarding the topic can be easily achieved from the secondary mind.

Many of the readers may be thinking that the topic is just hypothetical and without any logic or proof hence I have got some collection of examples and proof for my topic of secondary mind as follows:
1>   Lord Buddha (Light of Asia): Lord Buddha was born in Kapilbastu, Lumbini, Nepal, he had connected his primary mind with secondary mind. Buddha was born in royal family hence he got to get the chance to learn a lot of knowledge. On the way toward his teenage he got to see a dead man on coffin and a lot of people weeping and crying for him. He at the moment saw the sorrow for the death. He asked his teacher why do a people die? Where do he reach after death? And lot more questions about the life of a person.  As he didn’t get any good answers he left his home and roam around the world to know the truth of life. During which he got to know a lot of things. He then went to Gaya and had a meditation for about 45 days in peaceful area. On this duration he keep on thinking the problem and the possible solutions and questionnaires that were arising all the days. And during the meditation days he got to connect his primary mind with his secondary mind and as he got the answer of a topic he then lean forward to chase the new topic and answer related. As he was in link with secondary mind it was easy for him to collect all the knowledge. And the knowledge made him the greatest person of the era. And is entitled as Light of Asia.
2>   Scientists and researchers: Scientist and researchers discovers a lot of new things to this world. As scientists do a lot of hard work in a typical topic of their field. For example a scientist of Chemistry field background do research in Chemistry and do a hard labor in the same topic. After a lot of focus and concentration to the topic the scientist get his primary mind connected with secondary mind and hence get the extreme knowledge about the topic where he explore the new facts about the topic through the secondary mind. A living example of the fact is Kekulé           who discover the Benzene and its shape. Kekulé spoke of the creation of the theory. He said that he had discovered the ring shape of the benzene molecule after having a reverie or day-dream of a snake seizing its own tail (this is an ancient symbol known as the ouroboros).”(Wikipedia).
3>   A Nepali boy Arpan Sharma achieves a Guinness World Record In Memory Power by memorizing 42 objects name in a sequence in 60 seconds (1 minute). This boy had practiced a lot about the topic how to memorize more thing and how to increase the capacity of mind. He gains the knowledge from Dr Yogi Vikasanada and searched more options and ideas to strengthen his capacity. After a lot of keen focus and meditation he finally get his primary mind with his secondary mind and discovers more technique to strengthen the primary mind to capture the words and things.
4>   Religions : According to any religion in this whole world it is stated that god is inside the human beings. No need to search the god in any physical location god is inside us. And according to any religion they stated that god knows everything. And to reach god anybody must have meditation and keen focus in achieving the god. Which indirectly explains about the secondary mind theory i.e. there is presence of secondary mind in each humans and the secondary mind do have knowledge of everything and to get it you need to have keen focus and concentration.
5>   We normal humans: We normal human have also felt the presence of secondary mind and we have used it unknowingly for very short interval. An easy example: you are in a class and learning a new thing with full concentration and interest and at the end you got a question in your mind. At first you asked or consulted with your friends and when they are not knowledgeable enough to answer your topic you called your teacher. And the teacher is busy in something with other students in class. At the time you keep thinking about the question and make the whole topic run around your mind and keep keen focus on the topic. Then at sudden you got to get the answer of the topic which you have never been taught. This is the very example of the connection of the primary mind with a secondary mind. This happens for very short time interval but do exist.
Readers may arise a new question, “As secondary mind have knowledge of everything and if connected with it  why do the person cant get knowledge of everything? Why does a chemist cant have knowledge of other fields to after connecting with the secondary mind?” .
As the secondary mind is connected with primary mind, Secondary mind answers or explores ideas what the primary mind ask to answer and explore. And to explore about everything in this world on every subject your primary mind need to have the knowledge of everything that is known to explore the unknown from secondary mind. Because if your primary mind don’t have knowledge then how can it ask with secondary mind. Hence a Physics Scientist only discovers the things that he have the knowledge of i.e. physics. Hence a musician discovers new music only don’t discover anything else.  And the same case for other fields.
So to know about anything any topic you need to learn about the topic and do hard labor and keen concentration and arise a lot of questions that are unknown to this world and discover new thing connecting your primary mind with secondary mind.

Hence we all humans have presence of both primary and secondary mind, we have knowledge of everything to with us which we just need to explore. As we all are capable we can now start developing our primary mind and try to connect to secondary mind to give this word a lot of new facts and discoveries. There are nobody who are just normal or say average person because every body have everything i.e. secondary mind. Just the thing is we need to be active laborious  and positive. Because animals are a fulfilled organism they die being animals but human are those who if tried can die being god.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Helmet Color and Relation to Task /Role

(Color Code of Helmet)


Head injury accident is one kind of the major occupational accidents, particularly in the construction industry.
Every year many workers injured or are even killed as a result of head injury.

The main risks of head injury in the workplaces are as follows:

  • where there is a possibility that a worker may be struck on his head by a falling or flying object.
  • where a worker may strike his head against a protruded object or may be struck by a swinging object.

To effectively reduce the risks of head injury, an appropriate type of safety helmets should be provided.
The safety helmet selected should satisfy certain performance requirements including :

  • Shock absorption,
  • Resistance to penetration,
  • And be adjustable to fit and make comfortable to the user.

Who wear which color helmet??

What you might not know, however, is that different color hats signify different things on site, letting workers know who is who and carrying out what role. Although this color coding system differs from country to country and even within individual organizations, there are a few basic rules that can help you to identify workers from the color of their hats.


What the colors mean :

  • White
    Managers, foremen, engineers or supervisors usually wear white hats on site.
  • Brown
    Brown hats are worn by welders and other workers with high heat applications.
  • Green
    Green often signifies a safety inspector but can also be used by new workers on the site or probationary staff.
  • Yellow
    Yellow is the color for general laborers and earth moving operators.
  • Blue
    Carpenters and other technical operators including electricians will normally wear blue hard hats, while orange is worn by road crews.
  • Grey
    Grey is the color often worn by site visitors. And if employees forget their hats or misplace them, there is often a nice bright pink helmet on site they have to wear in the meantime.
  • Red
     Red is the color for fire fighter

This color coding system is a general and unwritten rule within the industry and certainly not hard and fast.
Some companies will not use the exact system mentioned above so it is worth asking before you start on any site.
Ultimately, although the color coding system is very helpful and has potential safety benefits, any hard hat of any color is better than none at all.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Earth is prison

Earth is prison

Where am I? Actually where are we? M not talking about just a human, I’m talking about preexisting organisms and new existing organisms too.
Ya, people call it EARTH in English and different another names according to the language. But, what is earth? How did it come to be the life bearing planet? Why only earth? Where is earth? Some said earth is in universe. What is universe? Where is universe? M I something to earth or universe? How are organisms present here in earth? Is this our home?
When we talk about the origin of life the scientists usually use to talk about combination of RNA and DNA, cells, atoms etc. and etc. But what are they? How did they exist here? From where they arrive here in earth? A lot of questions arise in my mind, does anybody have answer?
When I was thinking about this matter, where are we, how are we here, and else I got to the point that earth is a sort of prison. As the gravity of earth keep on pulling us toward it and atmosphere bond us here within a limit to earth. As after the limit of atmosphere we can’t breathe and hence tend to move back to earth whenever we move up. And till this date no one is able to move to the core of the earth as it is too hot that the creature of the earth is not able to reach there. And about the scientists they just made hypothesis about this they are not conformed, because the prison is such made that there is no way escape.
Ya, Earth is a prison. Yes it’s beautiful and lovely place with a lot of fun, pleasure, happiness and along with it sad, sorrow, suffering etc. too. But beyond this, I think earth is a prison as when a human birth in this earth the first expression they show is they cry and are sad. As a prisoner react when they have to enter the jail for a long time.

Don’t panic its only my imagination that earth is a prison. But yes I believe in my imagination. Because just be calm and think after reading this article you will also feel so. Ok let’s discuss about my imagination
Earth is a prison where the entire organism with wrong deeds (can’t explain where did they violate the rule performed the crime) are imprisoned. When we reach to earth we live, struggle, cry, laugh, face many conditions and last when we finish our punished period (in general language its life) we tend to die. And in sense we disappear in some moments. As people transforms and face many changes, as child to young, young to adult and adult to old and death. The people become good, bad, rich, poor, happy, unhappy, etc. according to how they are living and how they are leading their life.
I think the punishment to the criminal is according to their deeds, as some people born in very happy and polite family with supportive nature and some people born in very rude family with unsupportive nature (don’t care whether they are rich or poor). And some are very unlucky prisoners i.e. 1>animals in my view are in first place as they are always violated by humans, 2> humans and animals with handicapped and abnormal body. In my view the unluckiest are those who have to be imprisoned for whole life in the prison made by human i.e. human criminals and innocent and criminal animals imprisoned for their whole life in prison.
Earth is prison but the people and organisms over here are unknown about the fact and are trying to make the earth as their home and trying to make it beautiful and comfortable according to their type. They are constructing highways, buildings, bridges, developed communication systems, etc. Which make the life style of human easier but in the same time they are deteriorating the life style and habitat of other creatures and destroying the nature and polluting the environment. And hence making earth unfit for life, yes it’s a nice trick to get rid of jail but its another fact that the creatures are developing their body to resist the changing environment for the extreme case.
Human and other organisms are trying to love, maintain relation, they are making friendship. And all these are done to make life easier. And during this process they do many wrong deeds, suffer, cry and make enemies instead of friends. The people over here in earth divided the earth’s land into many parts as continent, country. And even in county as state, zone, district, village, towns etc. and etc. The people living in a particular area have got their typical culture, living style, dressing sense, thinking and language etc. And there is a lot division in the earth that make the earth with full of variety of culture and people with variety of language, living style etc. which make the earth beautiful the extreme beautiful. And don’t let people to realize that the earth is a prison.
I think humans and other organisms in earth are built by the same materials available over here in earth (soil, water, air and heat). But if they are made by the material available here then how they are called prisoners? The readers may have think about this.
In this matter, as I have heard and read about the spirit and soul, soul is present in each and every organism from their birth to death. So I think the soul inside us is the prisoners making us the way to live the prisoner’s life. And the soul inside us has to live the life as we are living, they also have to feel struggle we face, they have to feel sorrow and sadness. And they are got to take the responsibility of the wrong deeds done by the human’s body. Human mind can’t be connected to the soul so easily so they are unknown about the fact. They are unknown what is right and what are wrong. So the humans do what do they like to do without listening of soul. The wrong thing done by the body effects the soul’s prisoning duration and hence has to remain in earth for longer time. As human body is temporary they don’t remain alive till the soul finishes its imprisonment. So soul has to choose another way i.e. entering another body of newly born baby.  And there are presence of such soul that are not able to enter into the human body and neither others body but remain in earth as just a soul named ghost. They are been to ghost as the human body they lived in performed the worst deed and were in the deep attraction to someone or something else which make them live and die for that attraction and the soul inside of it also get attached with that attraction and hence get remained in the earth without body. Or ghost may be those who are remained in earth for long time with a certain prison period at when they were unable to get the human body to perform nice work and perform crime in this earth also and hence extend their imprisonment period. And the incoming soul (prisoner) take the body of newly born baby and the old one is not able to take so what they are roaming around for body to do right thing and get rid of the prison performing good works.
In fact the soul in early stage use to teach, control every human body to the way of truth and peace. So a little baby never lie the thing they do never be bad. Because they are controlled by their soul and when they got aged they start hear of their mind not of soul and the connection between soul and mind get lost. And then the soul can’t control the body. And the humans are not able to maintain the connection of soul and mind so easily and hence they do what they think by mind. The one way of connecting the soul with mind is meditation, a proper meditation. But it’s not possible to connect the soul with human mind by a normal living people.
But here in earth some people are known to the fact of earth that they are here in prison being in earth. The people who connect their mind with their soul can know the truth that earth is not their home but it’s just a prison. And the human, animal, plants inside the earth is part of prison just as a toy. So those who know about the soul and get their mind and body connected with their soul can hear the voice of soul and get known about the fact of being in prison and every truth of life and hence use to remain calm, out of social network, love , affection, attraction, crime, etc. and etc. And hence help the soul to escape through the prison (earth). I think the main aim of life of human is to help the soul to escape through the earth but due to attraction love and anger the humans are not able to think and know about their aim of life.
If humans and other organisms are prisoners then who is police?
I think gods are police. And the different religions have got different gods, which may be different police. As from ancient time the people are praying to god talking about god. They are not mad to talk about god without any evidence so there is presence of god. And the god in my view is the police who make the soul to imprison into the earth. The humans ask help form god and take name of god in any abnormal condition. And the temples, churches, masjids, and the entire holly place are the window to ask help from police. And the interesting thing is that the gods also act like police to the prisoners of the earth as they provide food, living environment, and make all the creatures or organisms to be dependent to each other that if any of the creatures decrease or increase make the situation imbalanced. And when the humans ask for help from windows they provide their wishes according to their wish, or say according to the mood of god (police).
And the conclusion is that the creatures here are all the same all are prisoners all they have equal right to live and stay in earth. The god make this world best for the living for all the creatures and any of the creatures get imbalanced may cause the world hard to live. The humans must stop polluting and disturbing other living beings environment. The humans must not perform any sort of crime that the crime done by them affects the life span of the soul. The aim of humans is to release the soul form the jail. So all humans are requested to listen their soul inside and do according to their will. So try meditation connect your human mind with the soul inside you and all humans try to help their soul to finish their imprisonment period and maintain peace in the world.  Although the earth is jail don’t let your soul feel this earth as like a prison. Let your soul too enjoy like you do.
Thank you!!

Thursday, February 19, 2015



The democracy day here in Nepal is celebrated in Falgun 07 according to Nepali calendar in the memory of our four martyrs (Dasrath Chand, Dharmabhakta, Gangalal, Shukraraj) who sacrifice their life for the sake of providing freedom and rights to the people of Nepal at when the Ranas were ruling the nation with dictatorship. My salute for martyrs!!!

In the occasion of democracy day I also do remember our great martyrs a lot. But in actual I find it senseless in context of our country. I’m not saying that our martyrs were wrong but the present society of our country is wrong to remember you this day. Because, look how our country is now, look at the present context of our society, the thinking of the public etc all these are not eligible to celebrate this day. Yes it is good to memorizes this special day, as our mother our Nepal lost four great sons of our country who sacrifice their life for the sake of the change , for the welfare of the public. Yes we must remember such a great personalities.

But are we eligible to remember them!! Have we ever think, what was the dream of these great martyrs? No we never try this difficult work. Have anyone is thinking that the word freedom we talk about when someone try to discriminate or make you their slave?? Actually they may be thinking by birth a person is free and why shall we think for this nonsense thing. Yes every one do think like this and its ordinary thing. And in this very day we force ourselves to remember the sacrifice of our martyrs their dreams, and we celebrate this day performing some useful works , awareness programme , and memorizing those thing for which our martyrs sacrifice their life.

Why don’t we remember this day as our daily day is , why don’t we remember the dreams of our martyrs , on our daily life , why don’t we perform those awareness day daily. Specially all those politicians are the best pretenders as whole year they use to perform the useless and dirty activities and hence perform the works like opposite to the dream of our martyrs.

The martyrs thought because of our sacrifice our ancestor will feel the happiness of freedom, and because of freedom all the Nepali get together and hence help in the development of the nation faster than the usual, they thought the public will live with harmony and there would not be any sort of conflict occur in our country, they died in hope that the property of public i.e. tax, revenue, etc. which public give to government for development of nation would be used properly and hence the development would get faster. But our politician are totally neglecting these dreams of our martyr and hence our country is getting down and down. And they only remember martyrs in this very day and shows respect to the statue of martyrs. Isn’t they pretending? Don’t all these look like a drama??

So if we really respect our great martyrs then we must fulfill their dreams stabilizing political conflict, developing each and every part of the country, every Nepali living harmoniously loving each other, removing every sort of discrimination just like cast discrimination, male female discrimination, rich poor discrimination, etc.

So overall I want to suggest all the Nepali people and all the politicians of our country to think about the dreams of martyrs just once is not sufficient but to effort to fulfillment of their dream does effect.

Jay Nepal !!!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Helping brings happiness

Helping brings happiness

After a long time research and survey done by me on cause and effect of happiness I got to know that the main and best method of getting original happiness is helping and getting helped in special needy time.
For example : i feel happy the most happy when I help other and when I see a sweet and innocent smile on their face when they got rid of their problem because of me. And that is the best moment for me. I feel good to do that. And when I get helped by other when I need help……….. that time I feel so much happy. And so I think that the helping environment must be encouraged to develop humanity and happiness in person by inner portion of heart.

And after a long term research I got to know that the people are not getting the main and best way to get happiness and hence get themselves in sorrow many times. So I thought I must provide them the best way of getting happy and way is helping other. Because when you help others u yourself get happy but on the same time the helped person will also be happy.

When we get in problem and no one is there to help us , then we feel so sad and stress get increased automatically and because of this stress, a feeling get born in our mind that to not to help others also, because there was no one to help us in needy time. And the problem in our society is that every person are thinking the same thing and refusing to help other form heart. And so what the persons in this present days are not happy in real sense. They are just pretending to be happy in-front of others , but in reality neither they are happy nor the person who is observing them.

So I think that the person and humans in this present world must first change their negativity (or say pessimistic view) thinking and behavior and develop or grow the optimistic view or positivity in their thinking way. Only then the thinking of helping other, humanity may return to the person, and hence gain the happiness in their life.

People always believe in Newton’s third law “For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action” I mean to say that we always use to expect something when we do something. We always think when I will do this to him he must do that for me and if this don’t happen then again the same sort of thinking occur in our mind we get angry of him and not only with him but with helping habit also so I suggest everyone that if you are helping any other then don’t think what you will get anything from this activity. If you are able to do so then only you will achieve the original happiness and along with this the happiness of the helped one also. And according to this newtons third law we can get a lesson that if you will do good then its obvious that one day you will gain good. And that is fact. And if you do any wrong to any one then its true that you are also going to get wrong. So do good get good. For example : one day if you help any of your friend and you didn’t get any response at the same time but after some time if you will be in problem then its sure that person will help you or god will send someone to help you at the moment. So help others be happy be lucky.

I m again saying that help others you will get the instant happiness and the happiness will be the true one not any fake to show others. And think positive to get first step in this world of happiness and humanity. If you get success to help others without any selfishness or any expectation then you are successful in your life. Your success come to meet you. And you will be enlisted in a list of happy people. So try to help others give birth to the humanity in your soul be human be social and be happy.

Friday, October 10, 2014



In this entire world , there are millions billions trillions of people living .Some are living with happiness some are of deep sorrow and some simple and normal. Some may be rich some may be poor. but are they living without stress without tension............. m not talking about stress=force/area or tension = m*g......... m talking about the stress produced in the mind of the person.............and talking about tension in their mind........yes more than 99.99999% of the world except infants or child are filled with the stress in the mind.many try to say they are happy...the peoples also show off their looks their happiness and try to say they are happy and have no stress in their mind.......they seems happy but are they really happy no i don't think so because i don't think that a stress discriminate among poor and rich and any other group of peoples.

.What is the reason behind the presence of stress in the human mind.........?? what is the reason behind the creation of tension in the innocent mind?? why this happen ?? cant we stop this sort of tensions and live a cool and stress free life?? cant we?? cant we live a peaceful and happy life.... a stress free life......??

In my view the main reason of being in stage of stress is problems.and it is also created due to a sort of jealous feeling , greediness , anger between the humans , negativity , narrow thinking , burden of earning in a person for entire family, future planning etc etc and etc.........ya people don't get in stress due to these things only............ some get in stress due to lack of money........ due to lack of love....... and many more.......................

and u know there is one amazing thing called war , it is amazing because it is the main reason of stress and at the same time it is the main cause of stress........... i.e. a person get into stress due to the problem created by war and the same thing stress creates anger in a person and cause war........... so stress in mind is dangerous...and there area a lot of things that cause stress in mind........... lets check out some effects of stress in a person diagrammatically:

yes according to diagram stated above and normally the stress don't support anyone but it only creates problems .........

........ its normal that when a person gets into problem they get into the stress........and the stress itself creates more problems for that person and its obvious that the person never get relief from the stress..neither form problems.............. so in my view taking stress is creating more problem and further more stress in mind.............or we may say that stress is like a germs created by us in our mind which further more divide into many and they further more disintegrate being large....and finally eat u overall

some of effects of stress:

*stress cause anger and anger is the main cause of happening of something worst

*stress cause depression and a easy work also cant be handled by you

* stress cause worry in your mind and also implant negativity in you

*stress change your behavior .i.e you may start drinking alcohol, start smoking, start taking drugs etc

*stress cause headache, breathlessness etc and etc

look !all these effects of stress cause problems and these problem again cause I suggest to everyone to leave stress and leave the cause of problems.....

you guys may be thinking that how could we remove stress from our mind it it it necessary etc etc................ i think it also may cause stress if i don,t tell you all the idea of removing stress cause you may keep thinking .............

in my view these ideas may be the best ideas to remove stress from you all guys..........

* THE FIRST AND FOREMOST IDEA TO REMOVE STRESS FROM YOUR MIND IS FORGIVENESS ; yes forgiveness is the main agenda it is the main factor that can remove stress from every mind and from every stress.................. any sort of stresses............... for example: if someone is trying to irritate you if you get irritated and start fighting with them it will not remove your stress but will create stress in you........ in-spite of fighting or getting irritated if you had forgiven that person you yourself would be cool and stress free and the person would also stop irritating you....and lets talk about war........ if people had nature and thinking of forgiveness would they have to face war and would they had to face so implement the theory of forgiveness and live a higher and stress free life.........

*WHEN YOU FACE PROBLEM BE CALM AND COOL AND THEN THINK ABOUT THE SOLUTION NEVER GET SCARED WITH PROBLEM : when any problem hit you never worry about its effects impact on you but be cool and calm and think about the solution of the problem slowly ........... you will obviously get the solution and get rid of the problem and overall from the stress

*DON'T GIVE TIME TO THE STRESS PRODUCING ACTIVITY: be clever don't give the time to the irritating and stress producing activity in case you shall entertain yourself and enjoying in naturally or artificially .........e.g...... naturally; visit beautiful natural scenes , enjoying birds singing , photography of natural creatures, fishing etc and artificially; playing games, watching t.v.....movies etc and etc the main theme is get away from stress causing thing and be cool ....... when you will be cool you will definitely find remedy against stress and problem............

*SHARE YOUR STRESS CAUSING PROBLEM WITH YOUR CLOSEST FRIENDS: When you share your problem with your close friends its sure you will feel better your half problem will be over and mostly the solution to the problem can also be gathered and there will be no presence of stress

* FOLLOW STRESS REMOVING IDEAS: 1> write all of your problem in a blank sheet and tear it badly show your anger about the stress and throw it away , do it m sure you will feel better . and some stress will go, 2> do meditation and concentrate on good thinking forgetting everything else..3> do what you want to do so that you will feel relaxed i dont mean to say that use bad habit such as smoking drinking etc...... yes you may listen music, you may visit your close friends etc and etc 4>take a deep and long breathe for more time till then when your mind get relaxed

etc ,,,,,,,,


* A person can get the extreme joy and happiness in their life

* Any sort of the problem can be easily solved

*every person can concentrate fully over their work and get successful

*development work shall be rapid as everyone can work without stress

*person live longer

*development of positive thinking

*harmonious living behavior

*healthy and happy living etc......

So I request all of the people to remove stress from their mind, and live their life happily , in harmonious way.